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Mastering Advanced Yoga: Poses for the Extra Flexible


Yoga Poses

Yoga is a journey of self-discovery and physical mastery, and for those of us blessed with extra flexibility, it offers a unique path to deepen our practice. As someone who often finds themselves bending a little further than the rest of the class, I’ve been fortunate to learn from teachers who have guided me through poses that challenge and celebrate this gift. Here, I share with you the advanced yoga poses that have become staples in my routine, perfect for those who share this exceptional flexibility.

1. King Pigeon Pose (Raja Kapotasana)

King Pigeon Pose

A true test of flexibility and balance, the King Pigeon Pose has been a transformative part of my practice. It stretches the thighs, groins, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and neck while opening the heart. For the extra flexible, the ability to reach back and grasp your foot with both hands can turn this pose into a profound heart-opening and back-stretching experience.

2. Full Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Full Wheel Pose

The Full Wheel Pose is where I truly feel my flexibility come alive. Elevating from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes, this pose strengthens the arms, wrists, abdomen, legs, and spine, while also stimulating the thyroid and pituitary glands. Achieving the full expression of Urdhva Dhanurasana requires a combination of flexibility and strength, making it a rewarding challenge.

3. Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana)

Monkey Pose

Named after the deity Hanuman’s giant leap from the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka, the Monkey Pose is the ultimate test of flexibility for the hamstrings and groin. It’s a pose that demands patience and respect for one’s limits, but for those of us with an extra range of motion, it offers a deep, intense stretch and an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

4. Compass Pose (Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana)

Compass Pose

The Compass Pose has been a journey of exploration for me, guiding me through the limits of my shoulder, hip, and hamstring flexibility. It’s a beautiful blend of balance, strength, and flexibility, opening the shoulders and hips in a way that few other poses do. This pose teaches the importance of harmonizing flexibility with strength, a lesson that has been invaluable in all aspects of my life.

5. Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvijasana)

Bird of Paradise

Standing tall and proud in the Bird of Paradise pose, I’ve learned to embrace my flexibility while challenging my balance and concentration. This pose is a testament to the beauty and strength that comes from vulnerability and openness. It’s a complex pose that requires patience and practice, but for those who can extend fully into its expression, it’s incredibly rewarding.


These poses are more than just exercises; they are a celebration of what our bodies can achieve when we embrace our unique abilities. My journey through yoga has taught me that being extra flexible is not just about reaching further or bending deeper—it’s about exploring the depths of your practice and yourself.

Remember, yoga is a personal journey, and while these poses have been transformative for me, it’s essential to approach them with mindfulness and respect for your body’s limits. Always practice under the guidance of an experienced teacher, especially when exploring advanced poses. May your yoga journey be as fulfilling and enlightening as mine has been.


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